Meet the teller of tales
Is what you could call me, which is a funny word for someone who drinks a lot of coffee. Coffee, a hug in a mug, the nectar of life that is caffeine, keeps me going on and on for those extra long hours. Keep the coffee flowing, and I´ll keep working.
24/7 designing
This brain doesn´t stop, It eats, sleeps, and breathes knowledge. Ever since I started my new education to become a Graphic Designer I´ve been completely devoted to become the best designer I can be. If I´m not learning at school or during my traineeship, I´m watching and learning new tricks via YouTube tutorials or Skillshare. One can never stop learning!
As you can probably tell by all the metal band T-shirts, I´m a huuuuuge metal fan. But no worries, I also have some seriously good noise-cancelling headphones. Because I found out the majority of my colleagues prefer other music… Fun fact; Metal keeps me hyper-focused, need an assignment done quik? Leave me and my metal, and I´ll work in hyperspeed. Must be all those bpm´s in metal…
My secret weapon
I wouldn´t have gotten as far as I did without the loyal support of the 2 most important ladies in my life. My girlfriend who always supports me, and pretends to listen and understand when I talk in way too many ´´technical terms´´ My secret weapon, and I can bounce all my ideas and designs of her and she´ll tell me honestly If It´s bad, and complements me If It isn´t. And the sweetest dog ever, who always lies by my side while I´m designing.
Nice to meet you
Hi! My name is Patrick, a teller of tales. I am a tireless seeker of knowledge, occasional purveyor of wisdom and also, coincidentally, a graphic designer in the making. Just started my education, and plan to become the best designer I can be.
The flying Dutchman
I have over 15 years of experience as a problem solver with a high focus on service. After working as a travel guide and living abroad for more then 15 years (and still going strong) I have mastered several languages and am fluent in customer relationships. After having denied my creative side for the better part of my life, I decided at the age of 35 that It was time for a radical change.
New beginnings
After 15 years of being a travel expert, It was time for a change. It was time to realize a long life dream, which was to work with images, video, creativity, and designing. It was time to become a Graphic Designer. So I applied for one of the very few open spots on the Graphic Designer education at Hansenberg in Kolding, and after a very competitive selection process I was lucky enough to be accepted into the education.
What´s next?
No one exactly knows, but I´ve gotten an apprenticeship with an amazing advertising agency, where I plan to learn a ton of stuff. And I am 100% certain that the combination of the best design school and this amazing advertising agency will turn me into the best Designer I can be. The sky has never been the limit!